13.0.3. The termination report referred to in section 207.2 of the Act shall, when it is transmitted to Retraite Québec, be accompanied with fees determined as follows: $250 or, in the case of a plan to which chapter X of the Act applies, $500, plus, for each plan member and beneficiary on the date which precedes the termination date, an amount equal to twice the amount set for a member or beneficiary under paragraph 3 of section 13 and section 13.0.2 for the period in which the plan is terminated, to a maximum of $100,000.
The termination report provided for in paragraph 2 of section 15 of the Regulation respecting the exemption of certain categories of pension plans from the application of provisions of the Supplemental Pension Plans Act (chapter R-15.1, r. 7), shall when it is submitted to Retraite Québec, be accompanied by fees of $1,000.
O.C. 173-2002, s. 9; O.C. 1073-2009, s. 50.